Welcome to the British Library

Discover some of the most iconic works of English Literature and explore the worlds in which they were written

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Theme 1/9

History of Recorded Sound

From the beginnings of recorded sound and beyond, discover some introductory articles from the British Library.

Theme 2/9

Treasures of the British Library

A selection of ten of the finest literary treasures from our collections

Theme 3/9

Wilde, the web and the world

Explore the life, work and literary legacy of Oscar Wilde.

Theme 4/9

London in Literature

Explore the diverse ways in which writers have portrayed the city of London

Theme 5/9

Crime and Crime Fiction

Why was crime such a popular subject in 19th-century fiction?

Theme 6/9

Childhood and Children's Literature

The story of the development of children's literature

Theme 7/9

English Literature in Translation

The journey of some of the most iconic works of English literature to China.

Theme 8/9

Where Great Writers Gather: Treasures of the British Library

Learn about the iconic works of five great writers through the literary treasures at the British Library

Theme 9/9

In Mu Xin's words: Treasures of the British Library

Introducing and exploring the four iconic works on display at Mu Xin Art Museum


44 部英国文化经典作品


32 位极富盛名的代表作家


93 篇详尽推敲的赏析文章

Animals: Art, Science and Sound

British Library | 2023/04/21 - 2023/08/28

New British Library exhibition explores how the intersection of science, art and sound is instrumental to our understanding of the natural world.

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